Friday 23 February 2024

Conventionally, the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is measured for _______ days.

Conventionally, the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is measured for _______ days.

1) three
2) six
3) five
4) four

Answer: option 3: five days

The amount of oxygen required by bacteria to break down the organic matter present in certain volume sample of water is known as biochemical oxygen demand

Generally caluclated for 5 days at 20°C and the results for clean water should be around 5ppm

Total Quantity method requires

Q) Total Quantity method requires

1) detailed drawing
2) approximate drawing
3) outline drawing
4) only specification without drawing

Option 1
We divide total quantities to small quantities and add all quantities cost to get total cost of construction. Thus we need detailed drawing to get accurate results

The shear stress distribution of a beam section has the following shape. Identify the shape of the beam section from the given options.

The shear stress distribution of a beam section has the following shape. Identify the shape of the beam section from the given options.
The shear stress distribution of a beam section has the following shape. Identify the shape of the beam section from the given options.

 solution : option 2 : Angle section

1) shear stress inversely proptional to width
2) shear stress at top and bottom is Zero
3) shear stress diagram is always parabolic

Thursday 22 February 2024

In consistency of soil, the limits are expressed in terms of

In consistency of soil, the limits are expressed in terms of
1) length
2) Volume/time
3) time
4) percentage of water content 
Answer: option 4: percentage of water content
The consistency of soil refers to the  firmness of soil and it varies with water content. Mainly considered for fine grained soil
There are shrinkage limit, plastic limit and liquid limit 

The spacing between bars of a coarse screen during the sewage treatment process is about:

The spacing between bars of a coarse screen during the sewage treatment process is about:
1) 50mm or more
2) 30mm or more
3) 60mm or more
4) 20mm or more

Answer: 1) 50mm or more

The spacing between bars of a coarse screen during the sewage treatment process is about 50mm Or more provided at an inclination of 45 to 60°
For medium screen the spacing provided is 20 to 50 mm and for fine screens the spacing is <20 mm

Unit quantity rates for similar structure, in the same locality with similar specification is required in

Unit quantity rates for similar structure, in the same locality with similar specification is required in
1) Plinth Area Method
2) Revised estimate
3) Unit Quantity Method
4) Total Quantity Method

Answer: option 3: Unit Quantity Method

1) Plinth Area Method

In plinth area method, we multiply plinth area with plinth area rate. The plinth area is determined by multiplying outer length and outer breadth. Based on quality and quantity we fix plinth area rate. 
2) Revised Estimate
When there is an increase in estimation cost by 5%, we do revised estimate to see the difference between previous and present estimate. Usually occurs due to revised cost of items involved in construction. 
3) Unit Quantity Method
The construction work is divided to number of quantites and cost of each quantity is determined and total quantity is caluclated by summing it up. 
In unit quantity method the similar construction work of same loclaity was taken and the cost of that work will be applied to the present work to get approximate construction cost
4) Total Quantity Method
Work divided to various quantities and each quantity cost is caluclated and adding the cost of each quantity gives the cost of total quantitiequantities