Friday 20 January 2017

Superelevation Analysis and its importance in Highway Engineering

Explanation of Superelevation

In order to counteract the effect of Centrifugal force and to reduce the tendency of vehicle to overturn or skid,the outer edge of the pavement is raised with respect to the inner edge.Thus,providing the transverse slope throughout the length of the horizontal curve.This transverse inclination to the pavement surface is known as "Superelevation" . Little bit Confusing right ? Don't worry I will give you clear idea about it and also about Superelevation Analysis

Thursday 19 January 2017

Manufacturing Process of Concrete - Civil Engg

Manufacture of Concrete :

I am here to Explain you in detail about Manufacturing Process of Concrete .

We all know that Concrete is used a lot for Construction.But How Concrete in Manufactured ? What Care is to be taken to Strengthen it in Future ? For all those questions like that this article can be treated as a solution. So Now Let's Jump into Process of Manufacturing of Concrete.

Sunday 8 January 2017

Different types of Construction Contract Systems - Civil Engineering

Different Types of Construction Contract Systems :

Before going into topic of Different types of Construction Contract Systems.Let us clearly know the Definition of Contract and Contract system.

Contract is an undertaking by a person or firm to do any work under certain terms and conditions.This work may be of newly constructed work,maintenance and repairs.Also Some contracts relate to supply of materials,for the supply of labor and for the transport of materials etc.,
When we turn our wheel next we get to meet contract system.Let me explain you that in detail now.

In Contract system the work is got done through contractors by owner under certain terms and conditions. Contractor will be responsible for the completion of work as per agreed specification,time and money.If he fails to,he must compensate owner as per signed agreement. 

Fig: Different types of Construction Contract Systems

Thursday 5 January 2017

Damp Proof Course- Methods and Materials Used for Damp Proofing

Damp Proof Course :

One of the Basic Requirement of a Building is that it must be free from Dampness.Dampness is nothing but presence of Moisture. Floors,Foundation,walls and roofs must be free from moisture.Otherwise it lead to reduction in strength of the structural components along with unhygienic conditions developing around.To Prevent this Damp Proof Course must be Provided,so that it prevents the entry of moisture into the structural components. So it is compulsory for every building to provide Damp Proof Course.

Fig: Damp Proof Course for Basement

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Stress Strain Curve for Mild Steel - Civil Engineering

Stress Strain Curve for Mild Steel :

When the relationship between Stress and strain for any material on a Graph Paper will gives us the Stress Strain Curve.Stress strain curve is the behavior of material subjected under loading. To Draw Stress Strain curve we require a Graph paper. We will take Stress component on Y-axis and Strain component on the X-axis. Then we can draw a curve as shown in figure for respective values of stress and strain which will gives us a Curve. Here I am going to Explain you buddies about the Stress Strain Curve for Mild Steel.

Fig 1 : Stress Strain Curve for Mild Steel

Monday 2 January 2017

Liquid Limit test for soil - To Determine soil behaviour related to Water

Liquid Limit Test For Soil :

Introduction :

When dealing with density,void ration,settlement and strength characteristics of both disturbed and undisturbed soils will depend on water content of soil. Atterberg limits called as Liquid limit,Plastic Limit and Shrinkage limits will define the water content present in the soil. 

When water is added to dry soil,the individual particle is covered with absorbed water forming a thin film around it.If the addition of water is continued the thickeness of the water film will continue to increase,thereby facilitating the sliding effect between adjoining ostriches.